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What Traits Should You Look for in an Executive Coach?

January 31, 2023 in
If you want to level up your leadership skills, you should invest in executive coaching. These training opportunities can help leaders of all levels grow their confidence, improve their relationships, and achieve their goals in the workplace. To get the most out of an executive coaching program, you need the right coach on your side. Many companies and contractors offer executive coaching services, so it can be difficult to choose a truly transformative program. When looking for an executive coach, assess each person for the following traits—these coaches can deliver the most successful and effective training to your organization.

Emotional Intelligence

A good chunk of executive coaching focuses on so-called soft skills. Good leaders need to know how to communicate well, how to interact with others effectively, and how to approach complex and sensitive workplace challenges. Emotional intelligence is critical to honing your executive skills. Your executive coach should display strong emotional intelligence and empathy. These skills allow the coach to place themselves in the shoes of the person they are coaching. The coach should take the time to listen to you, learn your story, and build an effective strategy to take your professional development to the next level. 

Proven Experience and Results

As an executive, you are a busy person. You do not have time to explain your situation to a coach in great detail. You need a coach who has experience supporting executives in a variety of roles, and they should know the best strategies to sharpen your skills and help you achieve your goals. Select a coach with experience in the field and a history of proven client results. These individuals are more likely to understand your challenges and the steps that you need to take to improve your leadership skills.

Good Communication Skills

When you meet with your executive coach, you want someone who will provide honest feedback and observations. They should be able to communicate effectively, and they should be able to teach you how to communicate just as well. Honest, open dialogue is critical to both personal and professional development. As an executive, it is your job to formulate a message that is effective and speaks to the people you are leading. If your coach cannot communicate on this level to you, they may be unable to help you sharpen your skills.

Flexibility and Personalization

A one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate for executive coaching. You need a tailored, personalized approach to executive coaching that addresses your needs and your goals. Your executive coach should offer flexibility during the coaching process and should modify the program to meet your needs, not the other way around. You’re more likely to get the most out of a personalized program than a standard one.

Contact HigherEchelon for Executive Coaching Services

The right executive coach can make a major difference in your personal and professional development. If you want to navigate the complex business landscape with confidence and strength, the executive coaches at HigherEchelon can get you there. We offer a range of executive coaching programs for next-level leadership. Whether you want individual high-performance coaching or need support with an executive-level role, our experts can help. Call us at 866-488-9228, email us at solutions@higherechelon.com, or fill out this form for a free consultation.