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Are You Apologizing Too Much? You May Have ‘Sorry Syndrome’

July 1, 2021 in
 Subscribe to Belle Curve: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS Are you constantly saying "sorry" in your conversations with others? For example, do you find yourself saying things like, "Gosh, I'm so sorry about the bad weather we're having!" or opening up your sentences with, "I'm sorry to bother you, but can I ask you a question?"...
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High Performers from History: Babe Didrickson Zaharias

June 21, 2021 in
 Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe to Belle Curve: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS [video width="640" height="640" mp4="https://www.higherechelon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Belle-Curve-High-Performers-from-History-Babe-Didricksen-Zaharias.mp4"][/video]   There is much to learn about high performance by looking to history. Babe Didrickson Zaharias is a high performer from history and a colorful character known for her many athletic achievements in a variety of sports including basketball,...
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Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship: Joe Ross on Beyond the Uniform Podcast

June 1, 2021
   HigherEchelon President and Co-founder Joe Ross, PhD appeared on Beyond the Uniform Podcast to discuss Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship and what it takes to start a business. Ross and podcast host Justin Nassiri discussed effective mindsets for transitioning military service members, overcoming obstacles, and how to build teams around peoples' strengths. Selected Resources Mentioned: ...
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Flawed Mental Shortcuts & Damaging Biases — Interview with Dr. Donnie Horner

May 26, 2021 in
 Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe to Belle Curve: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS [video width="640" height="640" mp4="https://www.higherechelon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Belle-Curve-Flawed-Mental-Shortcuts-audiogram.mp4"][/video]   Today we are talking about the mental shortcuts we take, most of them unconsciously, to make sense of and navigate and organize our worlds. These shortcuts can be useful to us in some ways (think reflexes to fight...
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Clearing Your Clutter with Kati Wadsworth

May 20, 2021 in
 Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe to Belle Curve: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS [video width="640" height="640" mp4="https://www.higherechelon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Belle-Curve-Kati-Wadsworth.mp4"][/video] Belle Curve is brought to you by HigherEchelon, Inc. – find HigherEchelon at higherechelon.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Have you ever opened your closet only to have a comedic shower of shoe boxes or purses rain down? Or shuffled through your desk...
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